The Institute of Directors (Ghana), in collaboration with Software Technologies Limited and other partners had their Annual Corporate Governance Excellence Awards hosted at the Kempinski Hotel in Accra. It was also graced with the attendance of Professor Mervyn King, best known as the Chairman of the King Committee on Corporate Governance in South Africa. He is Professor Extraordinaire at the University of South Africa on Corporate Citizenship, Honorary Professor at the University of Pretoria and Visiting Professor at Rhodes University
The aim of the awards was to stimulate and sustain the culture of good corporate governance and champion director professionalism and development through education for the benefit of organizations and stakeholders. It was also aimed at celebrating the achievements of both public and private sector Individual Personalities and Organizations who have distinguished themselves by practicing and exhibiting good corporate governance leading to desirable outcomes of ethical culture, good performance, effective controls and legitimacy.
The categories included – Most Influential Director of the Year, Innovative Director of the Year, Overall Director of the Year (Female), Most Credible Director of the Year, Rising Director of the Year, Overall Director of the Year (Male).
The corporate categories are, Agricultural Business (Agrobased), Healthcare Facility, Oil Marketing, Petroleum Refining and Related Industry, Agriculture (Fishing, Poultry and Crop farming), Hospitality (Hotels), Power Generation and Distribution, Apparel and clothing Industry, Hospitality (Support & Allied Services), Printing, Publishing, and Allied Industry, Chemical and Allied Industry, Industrial and Commercial Machinery Industry, Retail and Supermarkets, Construction, Information Technology Industry, Rubber and Miscellaneous Plastic Industry, Consulting, Insurance (Pensions), Rural and Community Banks, Ecommerce, Insurance (Life), Savings and loans, Education, Insurance (General Business), Sports, Electronic and Electrical Equipment Industry, Leasing companies, Stone, Clay, Glass, and Concrete Industry, Entertainment, Lumber and Wood Industry, Telecommunication, Fabricated Metal Industry, Manufacturing, Transportation Industry, Finance Houses, Media, Travel and Tours, Food, Beverages Industry, Microfinance Institutions, Universal Banks, Furniture and Fixtures Industry, Mining and Quarrying.